Channel: Weebly How To Tutorials » Customization

How to create image for Swiper

Swiper is a responsive full page image & content slider that spend the full width and height of the monitor. Because Swiper is responsive, the image will adjust it self to fit different monitor size and device shapes. So the image can look different in different devices. Desktop and mobile device shapes are very different  Full Article…

Hide Hover Social Icon – Milo

1) Click into “design” and into “edit html/css” 2) Click on “main_style.css” to open the css editing page 3) Here locate this code: #share { float: left; position: fixed; z-index: 50; left: 40px; bottom: 40px; } 4) Here add display: none; like this: #share { float: left; position: fixed; z-index: 50; left: 40px; bottom: 40px;  Full Article…

Why does my Habitu navigation bar jump on scroll?

The jumps you see is caused by when the navigation changes to sticky on scroll. To make changing background simple, we make all the background an image. So you can just change the image file to change the background, and don’t need to touch any codes. To remove the “jump”, the background have to be  Full Article…

What is the optimal image size for full screen background image?

In theory you can upload any image size you want. However for best effects and website display, we recommend you use an image with width of between 1400px to 1920px. If the image is too small, the quality will not be as good and visual appearance of your website will suffer. If the image is  Full Article…

Can I customize the header height of widescreen responsive headers?

Our responsive header is dynamic. Unlike Weebly’s standard header image, the height is fixed no matter what size monitor/device you are using, our themes have a truly responsive header. It measures the width of the monitor and calculate to adjust the height accordingly. The css codes in the theme only controls the height of the  Full Article…

How to change sub menu font color and background color

This tutorial will show you how to customize the drop down sub-menu background color and font color. 1) Log into your Weebly editor 2) Click on “design” then into “edit html/css” 3) Click into “main_style.css” and locate this code: { position: relative; display: block; background: #fff; border: none; text-decoration: none; font-size: 13px; font-weight: normal; line-height:  Full Article…

How to change text orientation from LTR to RTL

By default, all Weebly sites are set LTR. You can change this in the html codes to change the text orientation. You will need to customize this on every page layout HTML to make the adjust for your entire site. Here is how you can customize the code: Log into your Weebly Click into “design”  Full Article…

How to change accordion widget plus sign color

You can change the color of the plus sign in the accordion widget and this tutorial will show you how. 1)Click here to open your Weebly Editor 2) Click into “design” then into “edit html/css” 3) Click on “main_style.css” to open the css editing page 4) In the css editing page locate this code: ul.accordion  Full Article…

How to change page title background color?

You can customize the background color of the page title is the same as landing page Features Area.  Here we will show you how. Click here to open your Weebly Editor and to open up the W Theme Editor.   Step1: Open main_style.css a) We will first open the main_style.css page located in the top  Full Article…

How to change the footer background to transparent?

If you are using a template that doesn’t come with a transparent footer background, you can customize it to create a transparent background. For solid background templates, you control the footer background color by uploading a new image called “footerbg.jpg”. If you don’t know how to change your footer background, please review this tutorial first:  Full Article…

How to link to different section of Storyboard

You can set text or button to link to specific page section. Each page section have its own id: Section 1 = #pageone Section 2 = #pagetwo Section 3 = #pagethree Section 4 = #pagefour Section 5 = #pagefive Section 6 = #pagesix Section 7 = #pageseven Section 8 = #pageeight Section 9 = #pagenine  Full Article…

How to remove navigation bar background

You can remove the navigation bar background to make it completely transparent. There are 2 types of navigation background: SOLID or SEMI-TRANSPARENT. First see which type of navigation background does your theme have! Themes with SEMI-TRANSPARENT background (Examples: Photobox, Framework & Muse) For themes with already semi-transparent navigation background, changing it to completely transparent is  Full Article…

Why is my header image not fitting the header area?

When you upload and image in Weebly, the image perfect editor automatically crops your image according to the size of your browser. Since the responsive header is not activated until the site is published, the header image height is fixed in editing mode. Due to these reason, even the suggested image size may not be  Full Article…

How to hide play button in video background plugin

The default button color for mobile play button is black. You can change the color by following these instruction 1) Click into “design” and into “edit html/css” 2) Click into “main_style.css” to open the CSS page 3) Locate this code: .playlist { background: rgba(0,0,0,0.4); display: inline; padding: 20px; margin: 0 auto; } 4) Here ADD the  Full Article…

How to hyperlink text to different section in OnePager Layouts

You can hyperlink text to different section of the Scrolling Content Area in OutPost OnePager Layouts. Please note there will NOT be any scrolling effects. Drag & drop the “EMBED CODE” tool from your tool bar to where you want to insert the link Click into the EMBED CODE area to insert this link code:  Full Article…

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